Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Black Arts Movement

After reading and understanding the message behind the Black Arts Movement my next mental task was how do I reciprocate it in the present world today? How do I keep the dream alive and well, so that our for fatheres can see that they did not strive in vain. Why do I feel like it is my responsibility? As a young African-American female who resides in harlem, and has to deal with people of our time (the present day masters and slave owners) ( 9-5 jobs and 8-3 school) I am going through what my people have gone through in the same way. Maybe they didn't make their self clear? Maybe when the Black Panthas wrote their list of rights they laughed. Thinking that they too shall pass just like the other "niggas". But they have yet noticed the majority of African-Americans enrolled in school or owning the business or preparing the nurses for surgery. Or me the young African-American female who heard them when they said let freedom ring....

1 comment:

  1. Interesting reflections - the question of to what extent the vision of the civil rights movement has been achieved is a very interesting question we'll have the chance to think about.
