The speech by Malcolm X was so empowering, so invigorating so enlightening and very straight to the point as a hungry reader for knowledge I have been Fed. Malcolm X was always a really strong speaker and definetly opposite from Dr. Martin Luther King jr, Malcom believes in speaking the same laguage. He believes that in order to be heard you have to speak the listeners language and make sure they hear you well. I love how he starts off with confessing to the African-American males , that in fact they can not call themselves men because they are allowing there women to be beaten. He's definetly gotton the crowd attention when he's able to say "If his language is with a shotgun, get a shot gun." these are words obviously spoken by a strong man. No fear, i don't think Malcom X has any fear towarsd the white man but in fact more knowlege because they were definetly aware of his presence to the people. I would reccomened this reading to anyone.
Interesting reflections. The question of whether MLK and Malcolm should be seen as 'opposites' is an interesting one historians have debated a lot. See if you can figure out the specific events that are shaping his position in this speech - what is he responding to? We'll be talking about this more in class this week.